INNOVEST Middle East joined the Green Accelerator Middle East (GA-ME); Sneak Peak Pitch 2021
24 Nov
INNOVEST Middle East joined the Green Accelerator Middle East (GA-ME); Sneak Peak Pitch 2021, where Regional and International experts from the field of Environment, Impact Businesses, Private Sector Development, and others shared inputs on critical Sustainable Entrepreneurship Topics amongst a group of Growth Stage Green Enterprises and provided one-on-one mentoring.
Our Head of Incuvestments, Rasha Massalkhy participated alongside a group of Impact Investors AlFanar, Arvantis Group, Crossboundary, Expectation State, Ghassan Kozah, Pure Terra Ventures, Roddenberry, SDG climate facility, Water Spark, World Food Programme, and Cewas Middle East, to provide one-on-one advice on best practices and effective strategies for inspiring business cases, post their regional training.
INNOVEST will always be at the forefront of such initiatives solidly committed to driving the impact and growth of the Middle East Entrepreneurship Ecosystem.
For reference, the Green Accelerator Middle East (GA-ME)Is the first of its kind, leading impactful companies to investment readiness and scaling of sustainable business models. Through a collaborative effort between our Regional Partner CEWAS and another Partner Group of Investors, High Potential Environmental Enterprises access tailored technical and financial assistance and networks.